Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Zainab Al-Suqwaij  2004 Republican National Convention Address   
 2. Barry Goldwater  1964 Republican National Convention Address  1964 Republican National Convention Address 
 3. Mary Fisher  1992 Republican National Convention Address -- A Whisper of AIDS   
 4. Laura Bush  2004 Republican National Convention    
 5. Laura Bush  2004 Republican National Convention    
 6. Jimmy Carter  2004 Democratic National Convention Address   
 7. Al Sharpton  2004 Democratic National Convention Address   
 8. Barry Goldwater  1964 Republican National Convention    
 9. McCormick Freedom Museum  ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL: THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION  McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum Podcast - The Sound of Freedom 
 10. Christopher DeLaurenti  Live in New York at the Republican National Convention Protest  Four Protest Symphonies 
 11. Reverend Jesse Jackson  1984 Democratic National Convention Address   
 12. Christopher Reeve  1996 Democratic National Convention Address   
 13. Christopher Reeve  1996 Democratic National Convention Address   
 14. William Jefferson Clinton  1992 Democratic National Convention Address   
 15. Edward M. Kennedy  1980 Democratic National Convention Address   
 16. Edward M. Kennedy  1980 Democratic National Convention Address   
 17. William Jefferson Clinton  1992 Democratic National Convention Address   
 18. William Jefferson Clinton  1992 Democratic National Convention Address   
 19. conservative audio  Democratic Senator Zell Miller at the 2004 Republican Convention in New York   
 20. Ann Richards  1988 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address    
 21. Ann Richards  1988 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address    
 22. Ann Richards  1988 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address    
 23. Jesse Jackson  1984 Democratic National Convention Address Part 1   
 24. Al Gore  2004 Democratic National Convention    
 25. Alexandra Kerry  2004 Democratic National Convention   
 26. Alexandra Kerry  2004 Democratic National Convention   
 27. Robert F. Kennedy  Tribute to JFK at the Democratic National Convention   
 28. Robert F. Kennedy  Tribute to JFK at the Democratic National Convention   
 29. Elizabeth Glaser  1992 Democratic National Convention    
 30. Elizabeth Glaser  1992 Democratic National Convention    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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